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Friday, 4 December 2015


Hey Guys! How you doin?(in Wendy William's voice).Sorry I went AWOL. I was a lil' under the weather but I'm back and better.

Mehn... this fuel scarcity ish isn't funny anymore. I seriously do not get it. I'm confused. There is no steady electricity and no PMS to run generator. How is that possible? I slept in darkness the other day because there was no fuel in the generator and the gas stations stopped selling in jerry cans! Infact, some staff of a gas station were arrested yesterday because they sold PMS to customers with jerry cans. I'm literally short of words... I will continue my PMS hunt this weekend and I hope not to snap if I don't get lucky because my fire will burn the whole country.

Between, why is this Christmas looking dry and boring? Am I the only one feeling this way or I am just getting too excited? No Christmas carols even on the radio? The usual street disc jockeys that make us feel Christmas is in the air are not even playing. I swear, the only Christmas carol I have heard lately is my colleague's ringtone....Na wa o! 

Anyways, I trust myself, nothing or nobody dulls me. I create my own fun. So, it's Christmas carol on repeat everywhere I go. Sound check please! 

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